Avoid weight gain during this holiday season by following our fool-proof exercise plan. Doing this 40 minute work-out, 5-7 days a week, you can drop those pesky pounds! (Adapted from a real magazine to fit the REAL Mommy lifestyle!)
Here's the Plan: You'll alternate between high- and low-intensity exercise;
research has shown that this combo is an effective way to burn fat.
Total time: 40 minutes
4 Minutes: Start at a light pace; pumping your arms at your sides, to warm up.
2 Minutes: Stop walking to pick up puzzle pieces you are stepping on.
2 Minutes: Walk at a moderate pace.
1 Minute: Chase your toddler into the other room and retrieve the sharp object
from his or her hand.
1 Minute: Make another child stop whining with the threat of cleaning her room.
3 Minutes: Walk at a moderate pace.
1 Minute: Pick up your 26 pounder after she falls and gets another bruise.
1 Minute: Run into the kitchen and turn off the burner under the boiling-over
3 Minutes: Walk at a moderate pace.
2 Minutes: Walk as fast as you can while digging under piles of stuff to try to
find the phone before it stops ringing.
3 Minutes: Walk at a moderate pace while talking on the phone.
2 Minutes: Drag a chair over to the kitchen and repeatedly climb on it to keep
turning off the smoke detector.
3 Minutes: Walk at a normal pace while swinging a towel near the smoke detector.
2 Minutes: Walk as fast as you can without tripping on the toys strewn all over
the floor.
3 Minutes: Run excitedly around the house to figure out where and why the
toddler screaming is happening
2 Minutes: Discipline. (this really gets your heart rate up)
5 Minutes: Slow your stride, taking longer steps and relaxing your upper body.
Cool Down: Make your children pick up toys while you supervise under threat of
more heart raising activity (ie disciplining)
If you follow this fool proof routine 5-7 days a week, you could get the same
results I have---gaining 5 more pounds over the next year. (I need a new
fitness routine!)