Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Continuing on the Reading Theme...

I found this painting quite some time ago.  In fact, I think it was before we even knew we were having baby #4.  This struck a chord with me, of course, because I love to read aloud with my kids.

This painting is "Jungle Tales" by James Jebusa Shannon.  You can just see how thrilled they are...and pictures...small print!  I've seen this look on my children's faces on occasion during read aloud time.    Forget the millions of lesson plans for 'listening skills'.  This is how learning to listen is truly accomplished...turning off the television and reading aloud on a regular basis.  

As always, my reviews have pretty much nothing to do with the actual skill of the artwork.  I just find art I like or art that makes me feel something.  I figure, if it makes me think or remember or laugh, it's a medium worthy of attention.  Doesn't this make you think of things you do with your children to build camaraderie and have fun in a calm and quiet way?

PS...this post has also been a good exercise for me.  Apparently I've forgotten how to spell 'camaraderie' correctly.  Thank you,!  Must be time to start up with the word of the week again...


  1. YAY, word of the week! You are still light years ahead of me with your spelling skills. ha, ha, ha

  2. I love read aloud time. Now that I have teens and we started cyber schooling last school year, we've lost that blessing. It's something we need to recapture in our home. I think in honor of the movie's release, we may start with a re-read of The Hobbit! The girls and I have been using a lot of recorded books from the library. I have found that I love being read to as well.
